Bible Study Breakout How To:
A Step by Step Guide

Watch the video or follow the simple steps below to start using the BSB Method.

Start Here

Download this breakout sample from Philippians 1 PDF.

Looking at this example as you read the individual steps or watch the video will help you quickly understand the BSB  Method.

01. Find an Online Version of the Bible

Find an online version of a book of the Bible you want to study and copy and paste a chapter of that book into a document (Word, Google, etc).

This method works best with the more literal translations (ESV, NASB) rather than dynamic translations (NIV), or paraphrases (The Message), but any translation can be used.

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Make your document landscape in its orientation so you have plenty of room.

02. Pray to Hear From God

Ask God to speak to you through His word. Pray not only for cognitive understanding but for trust and Holy Spirit-powered obedience to what God illuminates.

03. Break Apart Each Phrase

Go to the document where you pasted the text.

Use the return, tab and space keys break apart the text, so that a phrase lines up under the phrase it modifies. When a new idea starts, restart at the left hand margin. You’ll want to break each phrase down as much as possible. You could do this in a handwritten format, as well. (Review the Philippians sample above.)

Bible Study Breakout Example of Breakout

Click to Enlarge

Go SLOW! We typically recommend doing a paragraph or a chapter at most per day.

04. Look for Key Indicator Words

Next, look for the often ignored key indicator words. These are words like:

  • but
  • for
  • and
  • so that
  • in
  • therefore
  • so

Click this link to open the growing list of indicator words in a new tab. This is an important step.

These words also reveal the relationship of that phrase to the phrases around it. The indicator words provide clues to the meaning of the phrase in the context of the chapter. You’ll soon see how important these words are to deeply observing the passage.

Italicize the indicator words to help you see their meaning in the passage.

This will also help you see if you missed any break points.

05. Make Observation Notes

Now it's time to start asking questions about the passage.

  • Ask what do I see?
  • What new pops out?
  • Ask the who, what, when, where, how and why questions.
  • How do the phrases relate to one another?
  • Ask by what means is this possible? What makes happen?
  • For what purpose, what goal, or what result or reason?
  • What makes me want to ask further questions?
  • What else do the indicator words show me?
Bible Study Breakout Example of Breakout

Click to Enlarge

Note everything you observe to the right of passage. We like to use a different color font to do this. Go slowly and ask these questions about each phrase

06. Mediate + Apply the Passage

Meditate on the passage break out slowly. Do not rush. Consider reviewing one chapter for several days during the breakout meditation. Saturate this time in prayer. Focus on each phrase.

Here are some BSB questions you can use in this process, too. We like to read a question, and then re-read and reflect on the passage in that light.


In Philippians chapter 1 verse 2 we see the statement:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

That word from is crucial. It tells us that peace isn’t something we muster up in ourselves. It does not depend on circumstances any more than receiving grace from God does.

To meditate on this phrase:

  • Ask yourself, where am I not experiencing peace?
  • What am I looking to besides God for my peace?”
  • Pray to the Father. Tell Him where you are not experiencing peace and ask Him to grant you His peace in that area of life.
  • Ask Him to shift your focus from the problem or challenge to Him, so that His peace can flow to you.
  • Determine to walk in the hope that God is your peace, not the changing of circumstances.

Carry this phrase “Grace to you and peace from God” with you throughout the day, whether on a post it note or by repeating it over and over again in your mind.

Often a phrase will leap out in a new way. When this happens, slow down even more and reflect on that phrase. Pray over that phrase and ask God to weave it into your mind and heart.  Sit on that phrase until you feel like it is deeply implanted into your heart. Sometimes this is a day, sometimes longer.

Note your meditation reflections at the bottom of the chapter.

06. Apply the Passage

This process overlaps with your meditation. The goal of the Bible Study Breakout  Method is not to read the Bible to gain cognitive knowledge, though that is a part of this process.

Bible Study Breakout Example of Meditation and Application

Click to Enlarge.

The goal is to have God shine His light on us, so that His Word gets into us, so that He is glorified through us. This involves a growth in our affections, awe, faith, trust, relationship, and obedience. Through living out His Word, we find true fulfillment, joy, hope, and love.

Note your life applications, next steps, and other points of needed trust or obedience at the bottom of the chapter.

Keep Going and Growing

We hope this way of studying and meditating on God's Word helps you as much as it has us. We'd love to hear your stories of transformation.